
Koninklijke Eduard van Leer BV (KEVL) in Amsterdam was established January 1, 1883 and started as an agency company in a range of timber products.

In the early 20th century KEVL added paper agencies to their activities. After the 2nd World War further growth was created by adding pulp, board and plywood agencies to the product range.

In 1983 Her Majesty Queen Beatrix granted Eduard van Leer the predicate Royal (Koninklijke).

Late 80's a further geographic expansion was launched by starting own sales offices in Western Europe. In the 90's KEVL expanded into an international marketing organization providing commercial, logistic and financial services in the global forest products trade. KEVL continuously integrates both horizontally and vertically in this dynamic market.

In the beginning of the 21st century KEVL started with global sourcing, production and sales of biomass for energy production. During the same period we also developed a patented process to increase the durability of softwood.